استكشف مجموعتنا من كاميرات التصوير الحراري من Hikmicro، والتي تتميز بدقتها وتقنيتها المتقدمة. تعد أجهزة Hikmicro مثالية لعمليات التفتيش الصناعية وتشخيص المباني وتطبيقات التدفئة والتهوية وتكييف الهواء، حيث توفر أداءً موثوقًا به مع ميزات سهلة الاستخدام.

The HIKMICRO AI56 acoustic imaging camera is a professional product for gas leak detection and partial discharge detection. With 64 Low-noise MEMS ...
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The handheld thermal camera is based on the thermal technology, specially designed for the needs of temperaturemeasuring applications. People can q...
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Thermal Imaging Camera Hikmicro B2L
HIKMICRO B2L is designed for temperature measurement to find invisible faults. It’s equipped with a 256 x 192 resolution HIKMICRO thermal detector....
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Thermal Pocket Camera - Hikmicro Pocket 2
HIKMICRO Pocket Series is equipped with a high-resolution HIKMICRO VOx detector, an 8 MP optical camera, and a 3.5″ LCD touch screen. It helps you ...
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Thermography Camera Hikmicro B20
HIKMICRO HM-TP52-3AQF/W-B20 is designed for temperature measurement to find invisible faults. It’s equipped with a 256 × 192 resolution HIKMICRO th...
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Professional Thermography Camera Hikmicro G60
HIKMICRO G60 handheld camera is specially designed for temperature measurement. It’s equipped with a 640 x 480 resolution HIKMICRO thermal detector...
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كاميرا التصوير الحراري المتقدمة Hikmicro M30
The thermographic handheld camera is based on the thermal technology, specially designed for the needs of temperature measuring applications. Peopl...
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