أجهزة قياس سرعة الرياح من نافيس
أجهزة قياس سرعة الرياح من شركة Navis هي أجهزة دقيقة مصممة لقياس سرعة الرياح والعوامل البيئية الأخرى. تُستخدم هذه الأجهزة المتينة والموثوقة على نطاق واسع في التطبيقات البحرية والصناعية والبيئية لمراقبة ظروف الرياح وضمان السلامة وتحسين الأداء. تُعرف أجهزة قياس سرعة الرياح من شركة Navis بدقتها وسهولة استخدامها، وهي أدوات أساسية للمحترفين في قطاعات مثل الشحن والتنبؤ بالطقس وتكييف الهواء والتدفئة لتوفير بيانات دقيقة عن الرياح في الوقت الفعلي.

Explosion Proof Wireless Anemometer Navis WR5/WSD Ex
Navis WS 011-1A-EX & WSD 011-1A-EX feature state of the art low power wireless technology connecting sensor and displays, resulting in user fri...
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Unique anemometers for simple wind speed and temperature measurement shows current, average and maximum wind speed all standard units (knots, m/...
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Long Range Wireless Anemometer Datalogger WL12X/WS
The WL12X version of Navis anemometer is a long range wireless anemometer and data logger. The WL12 anemometer can measure wind speed only or wind ...
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Magnetic self-levelling mounting assembly for WS sensor
Features: Special custom mounting assembly without worry of levelling Easy installation without addition bracket Insert weight to levelli...
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Wireless Anemometer Datalogger WL12/WS
The WL12 anemometer can measure wind speed only or wind speed and direction, depending on the sensor you select. The WL12 logs all readings on an S...
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The Wireless Anemometer Navis WR3 is a high-performance, portable wind measurement device designed for both temporary and permanent installations. ...
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Wireless Anemometer Wind Direction Datalogger WL12/WSD
The WL12 anemometer can measure wind speed only & wind speed and direction.The WL12 logs all readings on an SD card in the display unit. This d...
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Wireless Wind Datalogger with Alarm W410
The W410 anemometer can measure wind speed and has inbuilt audible alarm which is useful in construction site.The Display unit is battery operated ...
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Wireless Wind Sensor Explosion Proof WR3/WS Ex
Navis WS 011-1A-EX & WSD 011-1A-EX feature state of the art low power wireless technology connecting sensor and displays, resulting in user fri...
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