أجهزة استشعار الرياح
اكتشف أجهزة استشعار الرياح عالية الدقة لدينا لمراقبة سرعة الرياح واتجاهها بدقة. مثالية لمحطات الأرصاد الجوية والتطبيقات الصناعية ومراقبة البيئة، حيث توفر بيانات موثوقة لتحسين السلامة والأداء.

Explosion Proof Wireless Anemometer Navis WR5/WSD Ex
Navis WS 011-1A-EX & WSD 011-1A-EX feature state of the art low power wireless technology connecting sensor and displays, resulting in user fri...
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Marine Anemometer Sensor Wind Speed & Direction Mi9000S
Mi9000 series anemometers are marine anemometer equipment specially designed for ships. It belongs to the type of wind-driven rotary shaft and...
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Wireless Anemometer Wind Direction Datalogger WL12/WSD
The WL12 anemometer can measure wind speed only & wind speed and direction.The WL12 logs all readings on an SD card in the display unit. This d...
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Wireless Wind Sensor Explosion Proof WR3/WS Ex
Navis WS 011-1A-EX & WSD 011-1A-EX feature state of the art low power wireless technology connecting sensor and displays, resulting in user fri...
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Wireless Wind Speed & Wind Direction Anemometer WR5/WSD
Features : Easy installation without running cables Shows all vital wind data Range up to 500 m Battery or external powered ...
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